Prayer Focus

You are asked to please remember the following in your prayers ;



Prayer Calendar for September

1st September

We think about all the new beginnings and change at this time of year.  We pray particularly for our young people who will experience a new class, new teachers, a new school, new housemates, a new course, a new city, a new career.  Be with them, Lord, as they and their families navigate the changes of growing up and moving on.

8th September

Today is Education Sunday and International Literacy Day.  We pray for people around the world for whom access to schools and education is difficult, through poverty, distance, responsibilities or regime.  We thank you for teachers and all those working to provide opportunities to those who so want to learn.

15th September

In our busy lives, we give thanks for times of leisure, relaxation and friendship.  Help us share your love with everyone we encounter as we go about our hobbies and pastimes.

22nd September

On the 21st International Day of Peace we yearn for peace in our world.  We pray for peace between nations, between people of different convictions, views or beliefs.  We ask for wisdom for governments to make the right decisions about the support they give and the refuge they offer.

29th September

We pray for families of all shapes and sizes, for friends who are like family and for our church family.  We thank you for these loving relationships and we ask for strength to support each other through our challenges.

Prayer Calendar for October

6th October – As we hold our Harvest  Festival and Harvest lunch today, giving thanks forhaving sufficient food to eat, and celebrating God’s goodness with a shared meal, we also remember those both in our own local community and around the world who struggle to feed themselves and their families. We pray for the work of FIND and other food banks and charities that work to alleviate hunger.

 13th October - We pray for Thursday Forum which started its 2024-25 season this month. We pray for all involved, the organisers, speakers, caterers, that this group will continue to enrich lives and raise awareness of the work of different charities and other organisations represented by the speakers. For some attendees this may be the only connection they have with our church, or any church; we pray that they may take home a positive impression of a friendly thoughtful caring community, with whom they might want to become better acquainted.

20th October – We pray for new people who may visit our church for Sunday worship. May we offer a genuine warm welcome to all, helping people to feel accepted and valued whatever their background or history or disability or sexuality or previous experience of church or any other factor. We pray that some of those whom we have seen recently may want to join us in the ongoing work of serving God at Christ Church.

27th October - We move the clocks back today reminding us that winter is coming, with dark evenings and colder days. We pray for those who will struggle to keep warm this winter, especially those pensioners who may be affected by the withdrawal of the Winter Fuel payments.

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